Unchained & Untamed
Join host Leona Schrock, transition transformational life coach, as she opens up conversations that help women walk through difficult transitions and inner healing, while unleashing the potential that God has placed within us all to become untamed and unchained. In each episode you’ll get the tools and resources to create the change in your life that you desire as you unleash your vision, gifts, voice and confidence to live the life of your dreams. Leona gives her listeners and clients love and support, however she takes the direct approach of helping to cut out the BS in our lives, so instead of playing small, you can create big leaps in your life.

Monday Jun 17, 2024
Monday Jun 17, 2024
We often connect or find ourselves in bits of other peoples stories and often can lead to our own healing journey or give us the hope we need in that time to continue on. In today's episode Jeff shares his story so raw and real of some of the struggles men face in today's world. Regardless if you are male or female this episode is for you as women we can also learn how to understand men more and the battles they face. And for the men that you are not alone and no matter where you have been or what you have gone through its possible to heal and change your life. Jeff brings so much freedom to men today and being the voice and also the space that men need that they don't have to suffer in silence it's ok to express yourself and you can do so all while being masculine.
About Jeff:
Instagram: @mapes_lyfe
TikTok: @mapeslyfe
Let's connect and be friends!
You can find me:
Instagram: @schrock_leona
Fb: @Leona Schrock

Monday Jun 10, 2024
Monday Jun 10, 2024
This Queen changed my life forever with the grand moment of me commenting on her booty lol yes I like leaving a lasting impression on those I encounter. This woman is on a mission to change the lives of women being present living with intention & for the mamas who want to make money without sacrificing themselves & their family. She asks you really good questions that will open up a whole new world for you and have you wanting more of the juicy goodness of how your life can flow. It begins with doing less & being more of you! She’s also offering a free masterclass run not walk & get thy booty in there you’ll be so proud of yourself for it! The link is here below
About Petia:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/petiakolibova
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@AbundanceActivated
Unapologetic Masterclass: https://pkmediasolutions.lpages.co/unapologetic-masterclass/
The Magnetic Mama Masterclass: https://pkmediasolutions.lpages.co/magnetic-mama-masterclass-gift/
Abundantly Aligned: https://pkmediasolutions.lpages.co/abundantly-aligned/
Let's connect and be friends!
You can find me:
Instagram: @schrock_leona
Fb: @Leona Schrock

Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
First, before we get into it let's unpack what's your definition of success? Not someone else's or the way you have been conditioned however what comes up for you when you think of being successful. Okay, now that we have looked at that we can proceed. As women, lots of feelings can arise when we think of succeeding often there's a cocktail swirling of guilt, shame, and fear. And in this episode, I peel back the layers to shed light on what may be subconsciously showing up and you get to have some grace and compassion on yourself as you navigate through this chunk it can go way deeper than we are aware of and once we gain understanding then it unravels and unleashes that version of you that's desiring to create a life of success being the version God created you to be.
Let's connect and I would love to hear from you!
Let's connect and be friends!
You can find me:
Instagram: @schrock_leona
Fb: @Leona Schrock

Wednesday May 15, 2024
Wednesday May 15, 2024
I am sure you have heard the saying that it is lonely being an entrepreneur. Well today we unravel that lie and I bring you Rebecca who has created the perfect solution to this and honestly she is a genius and its the sweet sauce to your success whatever you define as success. Regardless of what you feel makes you successful when we have others walking with us sharing their gift and those connections are created you are going to get their not only faster however also the most important fulfillment. She is the Queen of networking and in her company she has created rooms and events for that in a way that I have never heard of before and you haven't either. We even threw in the real life of solving problems when the internet decided to give out and we decided to continue to wing it basically giving you a behind the scenes glimpse lol to connect more with Rebecca here are the links as i know you will be wanting to get in on her life changing offers for your journey!
CEO Series Event on May 30th:
Monday Weekly Events:
Let's connect and be friends!
You can find me:
Instagram: @schrock_leona
Fb: @Leona Schrock

Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
Okay I gotta say today's episode might be triggering as we got really raw and real for a purpose & passion we have in our hearts for women to be free in passion and on purpose in the kingdom of God! This Quenn has such a powerful way of sharing biblical truths and shedding light on lies we have been believing. We brought the unchurchy topics bringing it to the table and talking about all things and you’re going to fall in love with Edi as she radiates Christ’s love and ripples with radiance that’s going to shine light into your soul & unearth some parts of you that may have been suppressed thru religion! To connect further or work with Edi I have dropped the links below.
Edi’s Instagram
Desire meditation: https://gardenrestored.co/product-uncovering-your-desires
The Theology of Bliss webinar on the 14th: https://gardenrestored.co/monthlyevent
Let's connect and be friends!
You can find me:
Instagram: @schrock_leona
Fb: @Leona Schrock

Monday Apr 29, 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
So often in life we are playing small part of it unaware and the other part of it because of the stories in your mind. Today Dee shares his powerful story and his crazy faith on his journey and how his dreams became his reality!! God has that for each and everyone of us and he also has a program where he helps you take the action move past the fears and walk hand and hand with God and watching God move as you move. He also give you the kick ass of moving and not just doing intake of information or waiting until the right time however taking action TODAY!!!
To connect deeper with Dee find him on
Let's connect and be friends!
You can find me:
Instagram: @schrock_leona
Fb: @Leona Schrock

Monday Apr 22, 2024
Monday Apr 22, 2024
Today's episode is so much fun i love this Queen she shares her faith so powerfully and beautifully on the platform and to be honest I had no idea how powerful of a testimony it was going to be as she began to share her story and we went down this winding path and as you follow along her vulnerability and realness of her journey is going to touch your heart as you hear what she's experienced where she came from and where she is know with her walk with Christ. To connect more and connect you can find her on
Melissa’s Instagram
Let's connect and be friends!
You can find me:
Instagram: @schrock_leona
Fb: @Leona Schrock

Monday Apr 15, 2024
Monday Apr 15, 2024
Okay you are going to want a strong cup of coffee with this one as Jeff brings it to you straight and packed with a punch which is what we want. He eliminates the BS and sets you up to succeed in your business and literally drops the bombshells in how to succeed without even investing yourself uh hello can we just take a moment and appreciate the value of that as many coaches want you to spend money first and here he tells you what to do before investing.
Then after you are done with that of course invest in him as he really will help you clear the chaos in your life and create clarity and begin actually making money in your business.
Content is something we can get so lost in and sucked under and is also something that we all need help and guidance in actually creating it that creates and generates the ROI you are desiring. I already know you are going to want more of Jeff's info so I dropped the links down below.
Website: https://jeffagostinelli.com/
Instagram: @jeffagostinelli
Facebook: fb.com/jeffagostinelli1
Youtube: Jeff Agostinelli
Tik Tok: @jeffagostinelli

Monday Apr 08, 2024
Monday Apr 08, 2024
Grab a fun drink and get ready to listen to this Australian Queen as she shares nuggets of wisdom on being brave and reveals the ways our subconscious mind loves to show up and protect us from doing the very thing that we are meant to do. We are all brave and have courage within us and we feel the pull and the desire to unleash those parts of ourselves and she shares the ways to do so one step at a time. And she's also dropped and given you a powerful way to set yourself up to succeed in a way I have never heard before. You are in for a treat today with this episode. Enjoy!!! We would love to hear from you.
To connect more with Tiffany I have dropped the links down below.
Website: https://www.tiffanygstudios.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/tiffanygstudios/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/tiffany.gilleland.1
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/businessbraverywithtiff
Business Bravery Podcast: https://www.tiffanygstudios.com/business-bravery-podcast
Other Links: https://www.tiffanygstudios.com/instagram
FREE Podcast Accountability Groups: https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=15713265&appointmentType=category:Group%20Accountability%20Calls

Monday Apr 01, 2024
Monday Apr 01, 2024
O my Guts lol okay I had too as this episode sheds sooooo much life and light into the body and how our gut health affects us and how it also shows up in our health. Sheree shared so much wisdom you are going to want to listen to this several times as she shares life-changing tips taking off the band-aids that often het placed on us or misdiagnosed when it's learning to listen to our body and actually taking care of gut health. Often we can feel overwhelmed when it comes to our gut however she breaks it down to simple easy steps for us to begin to take to heal our gut hormones thyroid adrenal glands. This episode is pure liquid gold for your health and creating life-changing habits for your body.
To learn more and connect more with Sheree I have dropped the links below.
Web: shereehannahwellness.com
Email: hello@shereehannahwellness.com
IG: @shereehannahwellness
Fb: facebook.com/shereehannahwellness
Let's connect and be friends!
You can find me:
Instagram: @schrock_leona
Fb: @Leona Schrock